Reclaim your joy through self discovery, personal growth and healing on the subconscious level!

Hello Lovely 🌺

Are you a giver and a shoulder for others to lean on when they are going through a rough time?

Do you automatically put others’ needs before your own, even while you struggle to find time for yourself?

Do you often wonder if you are doing something wrong because it seems like you have everything you need (and most of what you wanted)- but you feel unfulfilled and overwhelmed?

If you find yourself nodding your head in agreement, you're not alone.

It’s not easy to manage the amount of stress faced by incredible women like you. 

Juggling multiple responsibilities means trying to handle new challenges on a near-daily basis! And when you feel pressured to fill all the roles in your life perfectly, you actually just end up as:

the wife too exhausted for sex

the mother struggling to enjoy her children

the daughter who feels unable to say "no" or set boundaries

the friend who neglects herself in order to be present (or just doesn’t show up because she’s overwhelmed)

the talented but burnt out professional who isn’t advancing in their career the way that they should

and on,
 and on,
 and on.

When you are giving so much of yourself away to others, the stress and lack of personal time can take a toll on your well-being, leaving you feeling drained and disconnected from your own needs.

Not to mention it just gets easier to isolate and let your relationships wither, even though you know you need community.

The thing is, you know you need and deserve to live a life filled with balance, inner peace, and self-compassion.

 Neglecting your self-care leads to burnout and an inability to be your best self for those you love.

Don't continue to let the weight of life's demands prevent you from nurturing your own well-being.

Hi, I’m Linda Sanderville.

…the Joy Reclaiming Self Love Coach. 

 I help busy, hyper-achieving women finally put themselves first and create lives that reflect self love bliss, every-single-day.

If you’re wondering how I know what you’re going through so well, it’s because I’ve been there. Multiple times, in fact. As a first gen American born woman raised in a household and community with high expectations and high competition, I know a thing or two about stress, burnout and self-neglect.

  My parents were such hard-workers, sacrificing so much of their time, their health and even their happiness to make life work in a new land, as West African immigrants. They taught me to work hard, but they didn’t know how to teach me boundaries or being gentle with myself, because they did not have that to give.  

Life was a matter of survival and always reaching for the next goal. There wasn’t a ton of celebrating when a win would come, because the goalpost was always moving ahead. I learned to be an achiever, which honestly has gained me a lot of success in life. But it came attached with a cost. 

Picture this:

A life where you wake up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to face the day with a positive mindset.

Imagine having the tools to release stress, enhance your emotional well-being, and regain control over your life.

Envision having the space and guidance to prioritize your self-care, allowing you to thrive in every aspect of your life.

SELF LOVE SKILLS acknowledges that you face pressures everyday that are outside of your control, and gives you:

Unshakable Stress Relief in Just One Week: Learn and implement highly effective and proven stress relief techniques within the first week! You won’t have to wait for the peace you desperately seek. Use these tools to quickly gain mastery over sensations of worry and overwhelm. 

Loving Romantic Relationships with Deeper Intimacy: Investing in self-love will enhance your romantic relationship as you feel more confident and emotionally available. This deeper intimacy will result in fewer arguments, and greatly decreased stress for you during normal periods of conflict. Your partner will notice your positive changes and want to keep up! They’ll also feel more loved and even more attracted to you.

Confidence to Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care: Learn to set healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care without guilt or hesitation. Shed the struggle with neglecting your own needs and step into a life where you can confidently make yourself a priority.

Transformational Shifts in Mindset and Emotional Well-Being: Create a serene, relaxed state of mind that supports your emotional well-being. Develop a kinder relationship with all aspects of yourself, to gain greater self-compassion and ease in the way you see yourself and interact with others. 

Improved Energy and Vitality for Your Day to Day Life: Recharge your mind and body, unlocking newfound energy to conquer your daily challenges. Find support for improving sleep quality and making regular headaches a thing of the past. Practice gentle movements and yoga flows to stretch and to strengthen. 

Empowered Growth and Personal Development: With self-love as your foundation, you'll have the courage to take on new challenges and opportunities. Setting healthy boundaries will empower you to grow personally and professionally, seizing exciting chances for learning and advancement. All while impressing your boss and coworkers!

 This immersive online program is here to empower you on your journey to self-discovery, personal growth, and healing on the subconscious level.

  Self Love Skills is curated to get results for busy, caring women like you, providing accessible and effective practices to transform your life.

Program Overview

  1. Self love habits and feel good routines: Get clarity on your own unique self love habits, learn how to implement them easily and feel empowered to get back to your goals even when life (inevitably) happens.
  2. Stress management and neutralizing microaggressions: Knowledge truly is power when it comes to managing your stress! Get all the tools that I teach in 1:1 sessions with my clients so that are never left without options to calm the stress monsters quickly. Also access mind-body resources to master microaggressions before they master you.
  3. Power of feminine energy and receiving: Giving isn’t always better than receiving, and here we will explore the overlooked gift of letting in the good. You will understand how it hurts both you and others when you aren’t receiving, how to correct that, and what else you gain in the process.
  4. Wholesome boundaries that create freedom: Your “Yes” and your “No” should keep you whole. You’ll learn how to do that here, along with developing the mindset of why, so that are free to be authentic with your boundary lines. Oh, and you’ll gain access to a simple script for confidently handling conflict conversations. Never wonder what to say or how to say it again.
  5. Inner fear work to release limiting beliefs: Fear is often our greatest enemy, and it is likely creating a huge barrier right now between you and the life that you desperately want. Experience a new way to identify your actual fears (this is one that women often get wrong) and how to befriend your fears so that you can overcome limiting beliefs, once and for all.
  6. Finding good enough in your roles and responsibilities: Understand the true costs of perfectionism and how to prevent the damaging effects of uncontrolled shame. Explore how to reparent yourself so that “good enough” becomes safe, familiar and accepted in your spirit and body. You’ll also understand how to bring out the best in others so that your needs are more effectively met, even as you become more accepting and compassionate.

It's a simple-to-use, meet-you-where-you’re-at and go-at-your-own-pace online program.

You will own the knowledge to be a self love champion in your own right, and be on the path to feeling great.

What you'll get inside the program:

Lifetime Access and Updates: We are giving you lifetime access to the course content and any future updates or additions! You can revisit and benefit from the material as needed, and get in on all the future goodies that are added to the program. 

Engaging Teaching Videos: Gain the insight to develop a holistic self-love skill set and learn how to integrate those skills seamlessly into your daily routines, your mindset and your relationships.

Transformative Hypnosis Tracks: Tap into the power of your subconscious mind to release negative patterns and embrace self-empowerment. These recordings will fast-track your results, in a way that will blow your mind.

Self love style assessment: An online, interactive quiz to help identify unique needs related to your personalized self love habits, and the ability to share your results inside the community for further exploration.

Printable Worksheets and Journaling Prompts: Includes printable and fillable electronic worksheets and journaling prompts to further explore your self-love journey and support your progress.

Exclusive Self Love Skills Community: Access to a private community where you can connect, share experiences, form accountability partnerships and to participate in regular self-love challenges. 

But I also want to give you some extra special BONUSES!

Secure Your Time For Self Care💖

No more stressing over how to fit in more time for yourself. No matter how busy you are, this guide will help you protect the self care routines that help you feel not only human, but like a vibrant women again!

The EFT Masterclass Series for Reclaiming Your Joy

This bonus Masterclass Series will teach you how to utilize Emotional Freedom Technique to let go of stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs, while fostering emotional balance and unshakable confidence.

Yoga Sessions for Stress Relief & Nourishing the Nervous System

These rejuvenating yoga flows will support you in being able to unwind, de-stress, and reconnect with your body through calming and revitalizing yoga sessions. No sweating required! We focus on supporting your nervous system, and creating mental and emotional ease.

Monthly Group Q&A Sessions

Focused sessions on specific topic areas that support putting self love skills into action, and where participants can bring their questions on that month’s theme for additional encouragement and support.

Program Pricing

 This bundled program is normally priced at $1,170.00, but for a limited period of time, the price is reduced


One Time Payment

$695 USD

    • Self Love Skills (Essentials) Course to Master the C.R.A.wL. Method!
    • Yoga Sessions to Nourish Your Nervous System, Reconnecting Your Mind & Body
    • EFT Tapping to Reclaim Your Joy, and Truly Start Living!
    • Monthly Q&A Live Sessions to Dive Deeper in Your Self Love Journey
    • Detailed Guidance for Your Core Belief Makeover
    • Printable & Fillable Journals & Guides to Support Your Progress
Buy Now!

Payment Plan

8 payments of

$97 USD

per month

    • Self Love Skills (Essentials) Course to Master the C.R.A.wL. Method!
    • Yoga Sessions to Nourish Your Nervous System, Reconnecting Your Mind & Body
    • EFT Tapping to Reclaim Your Joy, and Truly Start Living!
    • Monthly Q&A Live Sessions to Dive Deeper in Your Self Love Journey
    • Detailed Guidance for Your Core Belief Makeover
    • Printable & Fillable Journals & Guides to Support Your Progress
Buy Now

Self Love Skills is your unwavering support system, tailored to fit your unique needs and lifestyle.

But, you may still be wondering if it will actually be the solution for you.

1. "I'm too busy to commit to a course."

We get it – life is hectic. That's why our immersive program is designed with busy women in mind. You can access the teaching videos, yoga sessions, core belief makeover tracks, and live sessions at your convenience, fitting them into your schedule without added stress. And you have unlimited time to access all of these bite-sized materials.

2. "I'm not sure if I'll see real results."

Our course is built on proven self-love practices and transformative processes that have toally changed the lives of countless women. You'll experience reduced stress, enhanced self-compassion, empowered boundaries, and a bounce-back-10x-as-fast kind of mindset! Plus, you'll have lifetime access to the course, allowing you to revisit the material whenever you need a boost.

3. "I've tried self-care before and it didn't work for me."

Self Love Skills is different. Our program is specifically tailored to address the unique experiences of women who lead busy and demanding lives, and to affect deep, lasting change for you. And we are also committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for the emotional healing and growth of black women and women of color.

We provide a holistic approach that combines multiple practices, giving you a well-rounded toolkit to address different aspects of your well-being. The combination of teaching videos, community interaction, and powerful subconscious reprogramming, offers diverse and effective ways to nurture yourself.

4. "I'm afraid of investing in something that might not help."

We understand that investing in yourself can feel uncomfortable, but think of it as a short-term deposit for a long-term payoff in your well-being and happiness. Our program offers practical skills and tools that can positively impact every aspect of your life, from your career to your relationships.

Plus, we have a variety of payment options and even offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. If you find that Self Love Skills doesn't meet your expectations, we'll gladly refund 100% of your investment in the first 30 days, no questions asked.

Listen: You are in pain because of a missing piece of the relationship with yourself. But you also have the control over your journey to massive self love!

 That’s why the solution to any of your difficult problems starts with changing how you relate to you. And the possibilities that stem from that are greater than you can possibly imagine.  

It is normal to fear the unknown and to fear all of the changes that will come when we expand out of our current comfort zone. And the state of being in pain is often our comfort zone.

If you don’t know or understand what may come after your familiar pain is gone, you will find yourself walking away from very good things that could actually bring about the unfulfilled desires you have. Including the desires that you have but haven’t even admitted to yourself.  

The freedom to BE yourself, LOVE yourself and BE LOVED by others for the true you is impossible to beat. 
It’s time for you to get very familiar with what a life like that can be like!

Frequently Asked Questions

Handle your business! Each section of the course will take about 1- 2hours to complete, spread out over the week.

You may decide to spend more time with certain lessons, such as doing a restorative yoga routine twice in the same week, and this would increase your time investment. It’s very flexible to what you need.

You will have access to a new section of the course each week, starting with immediate access to the first section of Self Love Skills, your reflection journal and your bonus courses! You can also begin to participate inside the community from Day One.

I feel you. I just had another baby last year, so I can relate to the time pressures and changes many of you experience.

You will have lifetime access to the course materials! And the community will be there for you to participate in for 6 months. So you can stay on the weekly schedule in order to get results as quickly as possible. But please be responsive to yourself and take your time at any stage that you need to!  

I will be releasing live classes as a part of the program, starting in early winter of 2023. So as long as you are already a part of the program, you will be invited to participate! Purchasing the program gives you 9 months of access to this membership benefit, with an affordable subscription option available to continue, after that initial period has expired.

In the meantime, take advantage of the bonus group Q&A calls each month, which will bring you loads of value, and allow you to connect with me directly. 

Absolutely! The focus is not on yoga asanas (movements) that require a great deal of strength or flexibility. You won’t even need high endurance.

In this self love space we are really just about the feel-good and you can follow my prompts for alternative options, whenever you need them. 

Great question! Some research suggests that a moderate minority of people are not hypnotizable- potentially around 15- 25%. This means most people can be, but you won’t know for sure if you haven’t tried it. 

I, for one, would rate as a “low-hypnotizable” individual, and yet I have gained priceless, life-changing shifts in my mindset, all from hypnosis! Keeping this in mind, I truly believe that you will gain so much from the core belief makeover portions of the program, as well as the other resources, making it worth the investment for you, regardless.

Plus! Hypnosis tracks can also function as very calming guided meditations. This means you are likely to still receive a significant relaxation effect that allows the positive suggestions to sink into your mind as desired, even if you end up being in that minority of hard-to-hypnotize individuals, like me. 

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you find that Self Love Skills doesn't meet your expectations, we'll gladly refund your investment in the first 30 days, no questions asked. You can also rest assured that my commitment to you as a professional is to deliver a high-quality experience that you will reap the benefits of for years to come.

As long as you commit to letting the yoga, hypnotherapy and research backed practices work on you, you will be pleased.